A new version of the Dexcom ONE app will be released soon. After the update, your low and high alert settings will be reset. Click here for more information

Using Dexcom ONE in the Long Run

Why isn't my transmitter working, and/or why is my Dexcom CGM System telling me to pair a new transmitter?

Last Updated · February 1, 2022

Dexcom ONE transmitters last up to 90 days from activation. You can find your transmitter’s Activated On date by going to Settings > Transmitter in the Dexcom ONE app.

Also, be aware that a transmitter must be activated within 5 months of its shipping date to function.

If your transmitter is more than 90 days old and not working, you must use a new transmitter. You will not be able to start a sensor session past day 90. To avoid any unnecessary issues with your Dexcom CGM System, contact your supplier to have a new transmitter in hand by day 90.

If your transmitter is less than 90 days from activation, contact technical support for troubleshooting at dexcom.com.

5-step learning journey

Discover education resources, organised in a 5-step journey, to learn key information about your Dexcom ONE CGM system, from getting started, your first 10 days, to using Dexcom ONE in the long run.

Step 1: The basics of CGM
Step 2: Getting started
Step 3: Your first 10 days
Step 4: Using Dexcom ONE in the long run
Step 5: Understand your Diabetes trends